Capital City Partnership (CCP) accomplished some amazing things in Saint Paul. The flower baskets of their street beautification project; the Snoopys, Charlie Browns and Lucys of the Peanuts on Parade program; new business recruitment and retention (think Lawson Software & Gander Mountain headquarters); and instigating Wells Fargo WinterSkate – among countless other initiatives – all were undertaken by this dedicated team.
Smitty’s Workshop partnered with CCP on many projects. One of our favorites was their annual report which capsulized their mission, initiatives and the results of their work. We provided photography, design and print management services for this project. Much of the photography used in these reports was ours, captured trekking the streets of Saint Paul.
Part annual report…part development gauge…part marketing brochure for the city. These reports were seen and used by CEOs and other executive across the Twin Cities that were members of the partnership. Clear, straight-forward, yet flattering design and language that needed to be “freshened up” each year framed the excellent work of CCP at-a-glance.
The CCP logo was also a creation of Smitty’s Workshop.