p 651.276.8940 e smitty@smittypages.com
Client: Saint John's University
Visit Website: http://csbsju.edu

Let’s add a history museum to our campus center.

Alumni and administration of Saint John’s University in Collegeville, MN wanted to create an on-campus “tool” that would help to tell the Saint John’s story to visitors. Smitty’s Workshop was engaged to concept and execute the project. Components include an image and story-rich Heritage Hall with interchangeable wall mural system; conversion of an existing lounge into a history-charged Alumni Lounge; development of a visitor information touch screen kiosk (built in WordPress); and design and implementation of a digital sign system.

Work involved: fund-raising support, group ideation and initial concepts; research and writing; display, fixture and furniture design; interactive design & development. Smitty’s Workshop collaborated with key alumni and administrators to complete the project within twelve months.